
Posts Tagged ‘lifepoint downtown’


So we’re doing a series called Cliff’s Notes at the Downtown campus at the moment and this is one of the preservice videos, figured you might enjoy seeing what we do every once in a while…enjoy!

Lifepoint Campus Look 5-18-08

Parkside Campus:

So can I just begin by saying what an outstanding team we’ve built here. Every week I’m amazed by the commitment of our tech staff to constantly take themselves to the next level. And please don’t think I’m trying to say they’re any better than any other section of our church…but they are… Anything can happen and they leap into action to take care of business. This week we had an awesome week of worship featuring Clocks by Coldplay as our performance song and a set that was, to say the least, astounding. Clocks abounded around the stage as well as over 60 balloons with cards of everyone that was baptized a couple of weeks ago. So all in all an awesome service with awesome worship, awesome preaching, and just plain awesome elements! Great Job Guys!!!

Downtown Campus:

This campus also went pretty well. We had a pretty good worship set, however we had some glitches in the sound portion of things. These are just things we’re constantly attempting to work out on a week to week basis being in the kind of setup we’re currently in. Soon we’ll be building our own rig at which point we’ll be getting rid of a lot of the problems we have on a week to week basis. However, I must say the band is constantly improving and we’re beginning to put together a tech staff that’ll be good to build on. All in all, decent Sunday, and we’re constantly working on it. Great Job Guys!!!

Ok so…

So as I’ve been going through my daily tasks today something’s hit me… I’m working on like 4 different blogs. Between the Incyte blog, the lifepoint downtown blog, and the lifepoint worship blog I’m gunna be doing a lot of writing… That being said don’t be surprised if from here at times I direct you to blogs that I’ve posted on the other sites. In addition I’ll be posting just daily stuff, what’s going on and that kind of thing here. Sound good? Hope so! I might even be adding another blog that’ll be strictly odd stuff I find online but we’ll see… well, hang on tight! We’re on our way!!!