
Archive for the ‘Lifepoint Life’ Category


So we’re doing a series called Cliff’s Notes at the Downtown campus at the moment and this is one of the preservice videos, figured you might enjoy seeing what we do every once in a while…enjoy!

Lifepoint on the move!!!!!!!

So I just got home from a walkthrough at Chancellor High School where our Church will be moving in about 2 weeks. This is going to be an awesome move! The team is pumped, ready, and rocking towards our goal of being in and rolling in 2 weeks.The stage is gunna be awesome. No more setting up staging, no more setting up chairs, bigger facility, it will take more staff to control everything but that won’t be a problem. The one down side will be the amount of moving it’s gunna take to get stuff from the truck to the stage every week. But that’s alright, we have killer teams for every area of our ministry and I’m stoked to see what God’s going to be throwing at us at our new venue. More soon!


So the staff took a walkthrough of Chancellor High today… Working on a post about it so stay tuned for possibly later tonight…?

Lifepoint Campus Look 5-18-08

Parkside Campus:

So can I just begin by saying what an outstanding team we’ve built here. Every week I’m amazed by the commitment of our tech staff to constantly take themselves to the next level. And please don’t think I’m trying to say they’re any better than any other section of our church…but they are… Anything can happen and they leap into action to take care of business. This week we had an awesome week of worship featuring Clocks by Coldplay as our performance song and a set that was, to say the least, astounding. Clocks abounded around the stage as well as over 60 balloons with cards of everyone that was baptized a couple of weeks ago. So all in all an awesome service with awesome worship, awesome preaching, and just plain awesome elements! Great Job Guys!!!

Downtown Campus:

This campus also went pretty well. We had a pretty good worship set, however we had some glitches in the sound portion of things. These are just things we’re constantly attempting to work out on a week to week basis being in the kind of setup we’re currently in. Soon we’ll be building our own rig at which point we’ll be getting rid of a lot of the problems we have on a week to week basis. However, I must say the band is constantly improving and we’re beginning to put together a tech staff that’ll be good to build on. All in all, decent Sunday, and we’re constantly working on it. Great Job Guys!!!

Drive Conference: An Experience Beyond Church

[this was partially typed on the ride back from Drive Conference, and partially typed more recently so please excuse the somewhat random nature the post takes on…]

When people think of Church conferences most people think of a bunch of 40 or 50 year old pastors sitting around singing hymns, and planning different ways to do missions, youth functions, or any other number of activities that pastors might take on at any point in time. What people don’t see is 2500 pastors, tech directors, team leaders, worship leaders, among numerous other staff positions in churches spending 3 days learning and developing totally revolutionary ideas for how to reach the people in their communities, but that is exactly what I’m on the way home from as I write this. By day, I am a benefits consultant for a fortune 200 company, but by life I spend my time reaching those that are far from God.
Drive Conference is a Church development conference that North Point Ministries hosts that allows churches to take an inside look at how they function and how in the past decade they’ve grown to include 3 campuses that are beyond belief. Many churches in today’s culture would kill to have just one campus as nice as that of any one of these. Buckhead Church features an amazing array of ministries hosted in a very urban part of Atlanta, including some of the best facilities I’ve ever seen for children’s ministries. North Point has not 1 but 2 of the nicest auditoriums I’ve set foot in. Browns Bridge was, in my opinion, the nicest campus, boasting 40 acres of land, a top of the line sound and lighting system in a beautifully done facility that is just perfect for any kind of setting.
But these facilities weren’t what we came to see. We came to learn, and study what allows North Point Ministries to reach so many people with such tenacity for God. Not necessarily to see what they do exactly as how they do it. Not to change everything we do but to see how we can better ourselves to reach people who are far from God. Once thing Andy Stanley said that will stick out in my head forever is “To reach people no one is reaching you have to do things no one is doing.” and this statement is so true.
As a church in our community Lifepoint has already done things here that no one has seen done. Such as our egg drop where we had nearly 10,000 people show up, or our spontaneous baptism recently where 61 people were baptized. These are the things that affect our ministry. We are not afraid to do things that some people think are crazy for a Church to do. But maybe that’s where we succeed… Maybe the key to reaching people who are far from Christ is to getting their attention in any way possible then showing them God’s love and plan for their lives. What would happen if a growing church body were to reach out to a community with all the energy they had and made it their sole passion to reach people who are far from Christ… I think we’re finding that out now…

What a week…

So I just got home from making some calls today, been kind of a long week but it’s almost over. And next week will be much better…(as in I’ll be making money next week…) I’ve got a ton going on with Church to keep me busy though. Adding new elements to both campuses, getting people trained in different positions, keeping everything organized as far as what we’ve got coming down the pipes… Oh and we’re moving soon! I can’t wait! When we move I have a funny feeling that God’s gunna bless us with a tremendous opportunity to reach people that just haven’t been reached in this community. It’s gunna be awesome!!!

Wow I’m sore…

So day 2 of lifting… I’m officially sore… Today was long but good, trying to get some production elements put together for sunday, man I love the team I work with. The creativity in our church is amazing. Pushing me to my limits, that’s for sure. One thing I’m very proud of is the way they function like a well oiled machine from the time the series is in concept form until show time the week we begin the series… This past week our graphics computer died 3 min’s before the service and they worked to have everything up and running in time to still roll with it… These guys kick!!!