
Posts Tagged ‘incyte resources’

Bridging the Gap- My passion for ministry AND church

March 27, 2009 2 comments

So over the past few months I have had a passion stirring inside of me. Though I haven’t spoke freely about it until now I’m sure many of you that know me will be able to see the effects of it in my life. My passion is where church and ministry collide. To those who don’t know I’ll give you a little bit of a glimpse back.

I have consistently since i was 14 served in production and other roles in every church I have been a part of. Some of them I even was brought in specifically for my abilities in production, but regardless, that’s been where I have been with that. On the other hand, around my senior year in college I worked with a group of like minded people to form Underline Ministries, focusing on bringing the word of God to the next generation of young people. This has since changed forms and is currently still living, albeit on a very small scale, in the form of Incyte Resources. Without these steps in my life I don’t think I would have ever gotten to where I am with ministry though, so although none of them have been huge they have taken me to a place where I see my faith and abilities stirring me to do something so vastly different than has ever been done. Which brings us back to now…

Through these paths I have begun to see a dichotomy of ministry though, and this is where my vision lies. When the Christian faith began to take a hold on the world soon after Christ’s death there wasn’t this split. People ministered, people fulfilled needs, people loved. However over the past couple thousand years things have become more, shall we say, complicated. This dichotomy of ministry that has been built though some how separates the “church” from the “service”. Not to say that churches don’t serve in some portion or another, but that there is a disconnect between organizations that label themselves as a “ministry” and organizations that are considered “churches”.

My true passion is to bridge this gap that exists between ministry and church. How to bridge this gap is a question that I have yet to answer, but I believe that our God, being bigger and more faithful than we could ever imagine will allow us to see this gap closed. I believe that if we commit ourselves not to our church, or to our ministry, but to Christ, we will begin to see a true revival. I believe that our communities can be reached in ways we never thought possible. I believe that if we truly pray for revival, it won’t be about the church but about Christ, and that nothing can stop a movement of Christ across this country.

I hope in typing this my message hasn’t become muddied, or vague. I put this together in one sitting and rather than think it over much more I have decided to go ahead and throw it out into cyberspace… Enjoy!

Lot going down…

November 22, 2008 Leave a comment

So it’s been pretty busy lately. Lot of BIG projects running at the moment. We’ll talk about those soon. Some big changes to Incyte as well… Stay tuned!!!

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Ok so…

So as I’ve been going through my daily tasks today something’s hit me… I’m working on like 4 different blogs. Between the Incyte blog, the lifepoint downtown blog, and the lifepoint worship blog I’m gunna be doing a lot of writing… That being said don’t be surprised if from here at times I direct you to blogs that I’ve posted on the other sites. In addition I’ll be posting just daily stuff, what’s going on and that kind of thing here. Sound good? Hope so! I might even be adding another blog that’ll be strictly odd stuff I find online but we’ll see… well, hang on tight! We’re on our way!!!

Just an intro…again…

So anyway… starting a new blog…I’ve been playing around with blogspot and wordpress and i just like this one better…so I think I’ll be staying here. Also this is the blog editor that my new ministry incyte resources will be using. so check that out also. Also, for any new readers out there, I’ll be posting personal thoughts, videos, basically a random smorgasbord of stuff for your viewing pleasure… So here we go!!! again…