
Posts Tagged ‘Personal’

Getting Ready For 2010

December 27, 2009 Leave a comment

As this Christmas season comes to a close, and we take a look at this quickly on-coming year I can’t help but think of all the things I’d like to see happen this year. This is going to be a year of change in my life, and I hope it is in yours as well. I can already see the groundwork being laid for tremendous growth personally, as well as professionally. There is also the possibility of some things coming to life that I never even thought possible. As I work on formulating my ideas for this blog I can’t help but think that I may be able to communicate with people I never thought possible and how much I just want to be able to challenge you as readers as much as I try to challenge myself on a daily basis. I would love to see you take this journey with me over the next year as I build my abilities and try to, as much as possible, find new ways to challenge us all to grow, even if just a little, each time I connect with you. I want to challenge you to grow personally, as well as in the ways you communicate with those around you. I want to see us grow to become better communicators, story tellers, and in all this, ministers to those that God has placed in our lives. So today I just want to ask you this… Are you ready? Can we do this? Let’s take a deep breath and jump into 2010 with more passion and excitement than we have ever had before! Lets do this!

Over the next couple of days, as we get ready for this new year, I’ll let you in on a few of the things to look out for as we jump into 2010! Enjoy!