
Posts Tagged ‘Ben Arment’

Who Cares About Your Passion?

December 30, 2009 Leave a comment

Well… We’re 2 days away from the new year… It’s coming quick… I’ve tried over the past few days to let you in on some of the projects that I and the great teams I work with have been thinking through, praying through, and will be releasing and publicly developing. I’ve told you about the amazing opportunity that we all have, to be able to embrace Soul City Church as it launches a unique environment to reach out to the Chicago community and help to affect life change among the millions of people within the walls of the city. But my question now is this… What about you? What will be your cross to carry this year? As I was reading a post by Ben Arment it really got me thinking… The post talked about how very few people are able to actively help people experience their cause… I’ll let you read it for yourself HERE. But the point is…How will you help people to not only see your cause, but experience it themselves, and help them take up their cause and make it known. I challenge you, as we step into this new year, to find your passion, and run head first towards it, don’t just let people see you experiencing it. Help others to experience it themselves. If we all are able to affect the life of just one person this year, think of what a huge difference that will make. If each person we affect reaches someone else, a wave of passion, and generosity, and grace can ripple out through out our culture. This is how we change our world. Not huge benefits, or concerts, or fundraisers, but people helping each other discover and chase after their passion. Your cause is your passion… So what’s your passion?